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Promoting Sex

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Promoting Sex-Health Education

ByYao Yao July 8, 2022
[For Women of China]


Wusu People's Procuratorate recently organized a course, for principals, counselors and psychology teachers of kindergartens in Wusu, a city in Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, aimed at preventing sexual assaults against minors.

The autonomous region launched a special action in February to combat sexual assault against minors, and to protect their safety and physical and mental health.

The procuratorate organized various sex-health publicity and education activities earlier this year, including compiling a girls' protection handbook and distributing 38,000 copies of that handbook to kindergartens and primary and middle schools in the city. Also, a course was developed to teach kindergarten children how to protect themselves.

The program's organizers will conduct relevant courses in various primary and middle schools in the near future.


(Women of China English Monthly May 2022 issue)


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